Friday, February 8, 2013

Colds and stomach viruses, and HG, OH MY

Having HG is like losing the lottery.  Or getting called for the hunger games.  Or something stupid like that.  It sucks.

Now, imagine Effie called your name for whatever district you live in, you get on the train, and BAM!  Stomach virus.  And BAM!  You get a cold.  I mean, really....what are the odds?  They'll just throw you in the arena anyway, even if you're coughing, sneezing, pooping, etc.  You already know life sucks, and you can cope just fine with a cold or whatever the rest of the time, but really...REALLY?  What are the odds?

Yes, I have spent the past week lying on the couch, wondering why we haven't developed human hibernation, and fighting off a stomach virus AND a cold, along with the HG.  And trust me when I say that both of those illnesses make HG way way way worse.

So I spent Monday through Thursday on IVs (luckily the nurse only needed 2 tries this time), which means I was literally stuck on the couch...our bedroom is too small to maneuver the IV pole.

Can I just share how bizarre the whole IV-at-home situation is?  They literally shove a needle in your arm, show you how to change the bag out, and PEACE, you're on your own.  I mean, you can call and ask questions, but keeping yourself from dying of an air embolism, sepsis, etc....that's all on you.  Oh, and removing the IV.  That's on you, too.  Let that sink in for a second.  Yes, last night, in a fit of "my life sucks, EFF THIS", I got to remove my own IV.  One handed.  I'm a little badass.  The first time I had to do this, I asked if there were other options.  The phone nurse's reply:  "well, your husband can do it."  Yes, Jeff, the man who passed out on the doctor once during a skin biopsy, is coming nowhere near a catheter hanging out in my arm.

Oh, and my 2 year old hates the IV.  He knows he has to be gentle, and it hurts mommy, and he's a little scared of the pole, but I know he misses close mommy snuggles.  This morning when he joined me in bed (never thought I'd miss my bed so much!), He was SO excited and rubbed at my arm.  I asked him if he liked me better without the IV, and he said "uh huh.  OMMY."  And followed it up with a giant hug.  Be still my heart.

So that's where I stand.  No one seems fazed by the fact that I unilaterally decided my IV hydration was over, and as long as I can keep down more than 32 ounces a day, I'm golden.  We've raised my medication repeatedly.  I can't breathe through my nose...I'm a mess, but still better than I was on Monday, when I would have willingly been admitted.  Sigh.

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